Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ok so I have this HUGE problema!!! We arrived here on March 13, 2011, 178 days ago so, guess what is about to expire?! My, my children's, and my truck's permit, they expire on September 8. I admit, I am in this predicament by my own fault but, I was under the understanding that my boss had the Fm3 in process but, I find out that it isn't in process, yet. I should have just went to get it with my husband but, my boss said it was easier with him. Well, now, I have to renew my turist permit but, can't find how to do it. I have read that you have to leave the country for 6 months to get another one. But, I have read that it is only for a few days if the INM officer refuses to give you a renewal. I don't know, has anyone been in this predicament? Or has anyone atleast renewed a tourist permit and the permit for their vehicle?

I will be going to Nuevo Laredo tomorrow and would love to have a little more information before I leave. My husband is planning on going with me but, we need to know if I will have to leave the country or not. He won't be able to go if I need to leave.

If I can't get the tourist renewal, does anyone know of a loop hole or another type permit/ visa I can get?

Any help will be greatly apreciated!!!


  1. Since you're American, it really shouldn't be an issue. I think from what I've heard and experienced that Mexico really only takes non-compliance from immigrants to the south as a problem. I was worried about the same thing until we moved to Juarez and the cool thing about border living is you don't have to deal with it. Good luck!

  2. Hi, my name is Jill and I have been living in Mexico for a year in a half on a tourist permit. The first time I renewed it in December we drove to the border...I crossed into Texas for the day and then came back to Mexico the same night and the next morning I got my tourist permit and my truck permit renewed for another 180 days. They gave me a little grief that I could not live in Mexico on a tourist permit...but I told them I was going to work on getting my FM2 and they stamped my passport again and I was on my way. The next time I renewed was in April. I drove to WV for a few weeks stay and then flew back into Mexico...the airport did not say anything to me at that time. I will be flying back in October when my permit is up again and I will more than likely be driving back in. So hope they don't say anything to me this time. We just have not had the time nor the money to get my FM2. I hope this info helps. Also if your children are of your Mexican husbands then they have a FREE pass until they are 18. They can stay in Mexico for as long as they want until they are 18 and then they must get duel citizenship or go through the same process as you do. My childrens passports have never even been stamped and they have traveled back and for 4 times. Good luck!

  3. Oh no, I hope all goes well for you!

  4. You don't have a huge problem, you're just a procrastinator and a little dramatic :P It's easy as hell to cross the border and turn right around to get a new FMT, albeit paying $20 or so per person. Heaps of people do it... albeit it's not the correct legal procedure since you live in Mexico, but you've been lazy so it might be your best option now. And I say that without judgement, since I too was lazy and lived for 20 months, continually on tourist visas, and there seems to be absolutely no record checking about having them back-to-back, although to be fair I don't know if they'll ask about it when you're due to get your FM2. Suerte.

  5. I waited till the last minute also. The last time I went back to the states I did not turn in my visa. I had actually remembered when I was ready to come back down here that I would need another one. It was not that big of a deal though the lady just gave me a little warning about turning it in before I leave the country next time and she gave me a new one at the same time. I dont think you have to pay right away either. Just as long as you do it before you exit the country again.

  6. Nahhhh, it is not a huge problem. Remember, TIM (This Is Mexico) where everything is unregulated. Turn in your visa and then go shopping in Laredo. When you come back, get another visa. Not necessary to stay overnight. You'll be fine.
